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Financial Statements
Unaudited Interim Condensed Consolidated Statements of Income (Loss)
Unaudited Interim Condensed Consolidated Statements of Comprehensive Income (Loss)
Unaudited Interim Condensed Consolidated Balance Sheets
Unaudited Interim Condensed Consolidated Statements of Cash Flows
Unaudited Interim Condensed Consolidated Statements of Changes in Equity
Notes to Financial Statements
Basis of preparation
Group structure
Segment reporting
Revenues from contracts with customers
Operating expenses
Other income and expenses, net
Finance income/(expenses) and foreign exchange gain/(losses), net
Intangible assets
Leases (right of use assets and lease liabilities)
Property, plant and equipment
Impairment testing
Financial Instruments
Trade receivables
Other assets
Cash and cash equivalents
Contract liabilities
Refund liabilities
Other liabilities
Contractual obligations
Cash Flow information
Contingencies and Litigations
Related party transaction
Events after the reporting period
Notes Tables
Group structure (Tables)
Segment reporting (Tables)
Revenues from contracts with customers (Tables)
Operating expenses (Tables)
Other income and expenses, net (Tables)
Finance income/(expenses) and foreign exchange gain/(losses), net (Tables)
Impairment testing (Tables)
Inventories (Tables)
Trade receivables (Tables)
Other assets (Tables)
Cash and cash equivalents (Tables)
Equity (Tables)
Contract liabilities (Tables)
Refund liabilities (Tables)
Provisions (Tables)
Other liabilities (Tables)
Contractual obligations (Tables)
Cash Flow information (Tables)
Related party transaction (Tables)
Notes Details
Basis of preparation (Details Narrative)
List of direct or indirect interests held by the Company: (Details)
Schedule of income statement by segment (Details)
Revenue from contracts with customer by geographical segment (Details)
Schedule of disaggregated revenue information (Details)
Segment reporting (Details Narrative)
Schedule of type of goods or service (Details)
Schedule of commercialized products (Details)
Schedule of operating expenses (Details)
Revenues from contracts with customers (Details Narrative)
Operating expenses (Details Narrative)
Other income and expenses, net include the following (Details)
Other income and expenses, net (Details Narrative)
Schedule of finance income/(expenses) and foreign exchange gain/(losses), net (Details)
Finance income/(expenses) and foreign exchange gain/(losses), net (Details Narrative)
Intangible assets (Details Narrative)
Leases (right of use assets and lease liabilities) (Details Narrative)
Property, plant and equipment (Details Narrative)
Schedule of sensitivity analysis (Details)
Impairment testing (Details Narrative)
Schedule of Inventories (Details)
Write-down provisions related to the inventory categories as follows: (Details)
Financial Instruments (Details Narrative)
Inventories (Details Narrative)
Trade receivables include the following: (Details)
Trade receivables (Details Narrative)
Other assets include the following: (Details)
Cash, cash equivalents and short-term deposits include the following: (Details)
Ordinary shares and the convertible preferred shares are classified as equity. (Details)
Cash and cash equivalents (Details Narrative)
Schedule of other reserves (Details)
Equity (Details Narrative)
Development of contract liabilities: (Details)
Borrowings (Details Narrative)
Contract liabilities (Details Narrative)
Development of refund liabilities: (Details)
Refund liabilities (Details Narrative)
Provisions for employee commitments (Details)
Other provisions (Details)
Schedule of other liabilities (Details)
Provisions (Details Narrative)
The following tables disclose aggregate information about the Group’s material long-term contractual obligations and the periods in which payments are due. Future events could cause actual payments and timing of payments to differ from the contractual cas (Details)
The following table shows the adjustments to reconcile net loss to net cash generated from operations: (Details)
Schedule of key management compensation (Details)
Contingencies and Litigations (Details Narrative)
Schedule of rendering of services (Details)
Related party transaction (Details Narrative)
Events after the reporting period (Details Narrative)
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